Best Semiprozine Part 1

The first set of Best Semiprozine Hugo Award recommendations

Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine – Small Australia-based magazine with a high proportion of writing by new authors. It was part of last year’s slate, but it’s worth a look in its own right.

Interzone – It might be almost old enough to run for President of the USA, but the UK’s best-known SF magazine is still in there, still putting out good stuff, still well worth consideration.

Uncanny – Relatively new online magazine, already attracting some well-known names, with a good mix of stories, articles and poetry. It may be new, but it looks like it could go somewhere.

Uncanny and Lightspeed – Brief overview of my favorite content from this year’s issues of Lightspeed Magazine and Uncanny Magazine.

Still a couple days to submit more recommendations for Best Semiprozine! has an excellent list of eligible publications to peruse with links to their websites. Also,Rocket Stack Rank has an awesome resource that includes links on how to freely access or buy issues of the top magazines as well as the recommendation results of short stories organized by publication.